
Outdoor against Cancer (OaC) Moving Cancer-Patients outdoor

Verena Hirzenberger |


Hallo zusammen! Verzeiht mir die lange Schreibpause. Es ging mächtig rund die letzten Monate bei mir und ja, ich gestehe, ein bisschen Urlaub gab es dazwischen auch.


Den heutigen Beitrag werde ich auf englisch verfassen da es sich um die Vorstellung eines EU-geförderten Projektes handelt. Wenn du mehr dazu lieber auf deutsch erfahren möchtest so findest du hier  auf meiner Website ebenso einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema.


In autum last year I read an article about Outdoor against Cancer (OaC) in Die Presse am Sonntag and was caught by the idea right away. Petra Thaller – CEO and Founder of Outdoor against Cancer (OaC)- wrote a book more about the book here together with her collegue Thorsten Schulz, who works in the field of Sportssciene/Sportsbiology at the Tech University in Munich (TUM). This woman- who suffered from breastcancer 4 years ago by herself- founded the project even when she still was in Chemotherapy. Former athlete and businesswoman in Journalism, she just wanted to wake up the society to show them how Sports- or better put- Movement outdoors  has an huge positive impact in prevention as well as a combination to medical treatment/chemotherapy,…


Thousands of studies had already shown that you are not only feeling emotionally in better shape when moving regularly during cancer-therapy but also of course your Immunsystem gets stronger, which helps to overcome side-effects of the medical treatments easier and of course as well lowers the risk of a recidivism.


What started as a little idea 2015 in Munich had now already been co- funded by the EU Erasmus Programme. Greece, Italy, Austria, Sweden and Germany are now working together to spread the idea.


The goals are:

  • Collecting and structuring Sports-programmes that are already existing for Cancerpatients their family and friends so that they could be easier found by the target group
  • Opening other existing and suitabe Sports-programmes for the target group by giving the trainers/instructors the needed Know-how during a special 2-3 days certification
  • organizing special Events, Sportscamps,.. for Cancerpatients, family and friends also for spreading the word in the society
  • working together with other companies, making cooperations for reaching the same goal faster
  • building cooperations with hospitals/clinics/rehab for closing the gap between Cancertherapy and daily life (during/after cancertherapy)

Outdoor against Cancer (OaC) Website


So after getting certified as an OaC- Trainer for myself in Germany, I am very happy and proud to be part of the EU-Project and also to be in the Train-the Trainer Team side by side with Petra Thaller and Thorsten Schulz in Austria.


At the last weekend in May 2019 we already certified 16 highly motivated people from all regions of Austria in cooperation with Naturfreunde Kärnten. So now they are able to open their different sports programmes like hiking, climbing, walking, Functional Training, …. for Cancerpatients, their families and friends also. more about the certification



Further on I am planning a (little) event for this summer (10th August) at Donauinsel. Cancerpatients, family and friends together with anyone else happy to join.  We will skate on Inlineskates from K2, ride by bike or walk on Donauinsel while the sun is about to set. Enjoy moving together outside on a warm summerevening before coming together in the end to chill out, relax, talk, meet new people and watch the sunset.


more about the event


So I will keep you posted! Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested to here more about this incredible idea!


Yours Verena

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